Public Involvement &
Create opportunities for residents, citizen groups, business owners, schools, etc. to get involved in the processes of government and their local Stormwater Management Program (SWMP). Additionally, create opportunities for such individuals and groups to become actively involved in direct actions designed to control NPS pollution such as stream clean-ups, Adopt-a-Stream,
a-Pond & a-Highway Programs.
Municipalities, should establish a Stormwater Management Committee with at least one Volunteer Citizen Advisor seat. The Committee will help to prioritize and coordinate the local SWMP and build citizen involvement into the Stormwater Management Program. It is an easy, worth-while, and free step any Municipality can take to create a better Stormwater Management Program.
All designated Municipalities must host a meeting high-lighting the Municipal Stormwater Management Program and the Annual Report of Permit Activities to DEC. The Annual Report is due
June 1 of each year. Municipalities should, then, close the Annual Reporting Period on
March 10. This provides a 80 day time-frame in which to draft an Annual Report, present it at a Public Meeting, revise the report per any Public Comment received during a 30 day period after the meeting and send the Final Annual Report to DEC’s Central Office.
Receipt and archiving of Public Comment regarding the SWMP is mandatory under the GP-02-02 (MS4) Permit. Municipalities should take every effort to invite the Public in, not only to the Meeting, but, the process. Involved citizens help make a better community, they are connected and invested in the future...give them the opportunity to make a difference.
Contact the CCE Saratoga County Stormwater Management Coordinator
for more information & how to create partnerships with Local Groups and a stronger Volunteer Program.