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CONTRACTORS and DEVELOPERS- Post-Construction Runoff Control
Control of runoff from new and re-development projects, of significant size, post-construction. Although post-construction control has been addressed in the past, Phase II regulations modify traditional runoff control by integrating quantity and quality stormwater treatment practices.

If the SWPPP requires the long-term maintenance of STPs, contractors and developers should contact the municipality where they are working, inform them of the site improvements, and get approval by the Planning Board and the Highway or DPW Supervisor before the improvements have been installed. If the Town, Village or City are going to take responsibility for the improvements they should approve of the treatment practices before accepting responsibility.

Contractors & Developers can find many of the resources that they need to apply for and obtain a SPDES GP-02-01 Permit. Please use the links below to find more information about the Permit and better Stormwater Management.
DEC Stormwater Design Manual (pdf)
Instruction Manual
for Stormwater Construction Permit
New Community Tools (pdf)
Stormwater Site Plan Review (pdf)
Conservation Subdivisions (pdf)
Addressing Impervious Cover (pdf)
LID Hydrology (pdf)
DEC Model Stormwater Law (pdf)
Development Impacts on Water (pdf)
Protecting Your Town (pdf)
Watershed Fragmentation (pdf)
Friends of the Kayaderosseras Buffer Paper (pdf)
Rural Design Workbook Title (pdf)
Rural Design Workbook Introduction (pdf)
Rural Design Workbook Appendix A (pdf)
Rural Design Workbook Appendix B (pdf)
Rural Design Workbook Appendix C (pdf)
Rural Design Workbook Appendix D (pdf)
Rural Design Workbook Appendix E (pdf)
Rural Design Workbook Appendix F (pdf)
Rural Design Workbook Chapter 1 (pdf)
Rural Design Workbook Chapter 2 (pdf)
Rural Design Workbook Chapter 3a (pdf)
Rural Design Workbook Chapter 3b (pdf)
Rural Design Workbook Chapter 4 (pdf)
Rural Design Workbook Chapter 5 (pdf)
Rural Design Workbook Chapter 6 (pdf)
Rural Design Workbook Chapter 7 (pdf)
Rural Design Workbook Chapter 8 (pdf)
Rural Design Workbook Chapter 9 (pdf)
Rural Design Workbook Chapter 10 (pdf)
Rural Design Workbook Chapter 11 (pdf)
Contact the CCE Saratoga County Stormwater Management Coordinator for more information & how you can help protect our water.
Copyright © 2005-2023 Saratoga County/Cornell Cooperative Extension
Intermunicipal Stormwater Management Program.  All rights reserved.